There has been much movement on this topic in recent months – the following should be really useful ammunition in encouraging your pupils to keep studying CS. CAS Scotland has been instrumental in helping to make this happen.
All the Scottish Universities now view CS Higher as a valid Higher for their general entry requirements – e.g. if they say 3 As and 2 Bs at Higher, then CS can be one of those Highers.
7 of the Scottish Universities now “recommend” CS Higher for entry into CS-related degree programmes – including Glasgow, Strathclyde, Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Dundee, Abertay and RGU. They still can’t say “require”, but it’s a big step in the right direction.
The Scottish Unis are coordinating a press release on this just now.
Furthermore, the Russell Group Universities (a self-styled prestigious group of 24 UK Universities, inc. Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Imperial and Manchester) now recommend advanced level CS (including our Higher and Adv Higher) as useful for study in many areas of study, including all the sciences, maths, engineering, medicine and related areas, geology, economics, sociology, and psychology. Their report is available at
Please let me know if you have further questions.
Quintin Cutts.
School of Computing Science
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8RZ
+44 (141) 330 5619
Do the Universities care about CS?